Friday, October 4, 2024


 In the wee hours of the morning, I was unceremoniously jerked from my peaceful slumber (and some extraordinarily lovely dreams) by a shout. Pirates!

I suppose it had to happen eventually; this world is not a peaceful one. Sadly, there was no time to don my armor, so I grabbed my mace and shield and headed to the deck. I quickly manned a cannon amidships. Cole Bay assisted Ingrid in making an incredibly daring (and graceful) leap from ship to ship so she could mete out some justice face-to-face. Unfortunately, she was far outnumbered and felt the lack of backup fairly quickly, despite all the damage we were doing to the ship. I switched over to a ballista to harpoon the other ship and create a line to traverse...just in time to be of no use -- the pirate captain calling for a duel.

Of course, Captain was amenable (even eager), so she swung over like a hero from a bard's tale and they faced off. It was truly an epic fight (though quick). In the scuffle, Captain's sleeve was burned away, revealing a distinctive tattoo. It took me a moment to recall where I'd seen it before. It is the same worn by the dread Black Blade! Captain Aveline! Holy Mother, that was an unexpected turn of events. It gave me a shock, that's for sure. But, just as we seek to reform the planet that nurtures us, we must allow people the opportunity to reform themselves as well. For all the dark deeds laid at her feet, there will surely be countless redemptive ones. No sooner had all that raced through my mind than she ran through her opponent. In that instant, the Storm Goddess herself boomed out, naming Captain her champion!

The rest of the day was almost a let down after all that excitement: turning in bounties, purchasing new gear, some experimentation to identify the button-ring. Definitely a day of extremes. Lady Bless!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

More Glimpses of the Past!

 We continued to search the ruins, and I quickly found a metal door. It had 4 hemispherical indentations in a diamond pattern. I suspected that there would be some orbs around to socket into these indentations, so continued searching in hopes of finding them. In a nearby room there was a chest with a ring...and a green orb! Not long later, Sonica found a chest -- guarded from above by another of those cursed spiders. Once it was dispatched, we discovered that the chest contained a different ring...and a yellow orb! Apparently, I missed the acquisition of red and blue orbs earlier, so that completed the set. We returned to the door and placed the orbs in the sockets and some mystical energy outlined the door, delineated a line down the center, and the two sides slid away to reveal a giant cavern ahead. It was so vast, it almost seemed like we were outside again.

The chasm is dominated by a dilapidated temple building of some sort, which -- though it is clearly in ruins -- is being swept by some sort of stone automaton or golem. It seems to assume that we are here to visit the church, so we agree and follow it inside. The focal point of the church, opposite the door we entered, is a statue of a woman or perhaps a goddess (it occurs to me that this could be an early representation of The One, but then it may not, there are many goddesses worshiped even now). I make a sketch for our records (see my last page), and engaged the custodial golem for more information regarding the murals still barely visible on the walls.

While I picked the questionable "brain" of our host, Sonica checked a chest in the corner. Inside, she found some sort of grappling-glove, a painting, and a letter. The painting shows a demonic figure magically restrained in a circular apparatus by a woman who stands in front of it. A small plaque on it reads: "The Great Adversary, now defeated, was imprisoned w/ molten stone, weakened and alone." The letter is dated "2/11/0001," 1619 years ago! It reads (in an ancient script):

"Like a comforting hug, traces of you surround this new world and powers stones that keep everything afloat. I long to find you again. As I look down at the swirling maelstrom below, I know you are out there among these beautifully broken lands. Like your essence, I will scatter these letters around in hopes that you will find them and remember me once again.

-With all my love, Hector Cogsworth."

I have not heard of a Hector Cogsworth. The only notable Hector I can recall is from our own religion, but he was a demon in the form of a man.

Having seen all we could see in this underground world, we return to the ship and rest as we fly off. Before heading to sleep, I draw my circle and investigate the rings we have found. The one with the circling arrows will be very useful; it will, from time to time, substitute its energies for your own when you cast a spell, so you pay no cost! The ring with various colored buttons eludes me, however. I'll have to discuss it with Cole on the morrow. Faith, but it's been a long day.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Finally Some Sleep!

 Before we continued on, I crafted the ritual to identify the cloak the captain found. It turns out to give healing when in combat! I thought it would be particularly useful in preserving my magical energies for helping the rest of the crew, so I put it on. 

We continued exploring, and it didn't take long for the captain to find something in a pool. Unfortunately, it was guarded by something seemingly made of the water itself! Her lightning attacks seemed to damage it greatly, but also anything (or anyone!) in the water with it. It bashed Cole to unconsciousness and dropped him in the water in short order and the captain was forced to dive in and drag him out, while Ingrid hit him with a healing bullet. We soon defeated the odd creature and found a room in which to recuperate.

A couple hours after we lay down, an odd beast wandered nearby. Luckily, Ingrid and Sonica, not feeling the fatigue as much as the rest of us, were standing guard and were able to kill it. Though kill may not be the best word to use, for it turns out it wasn't a beast at all, but some sort of advanced automaton in a faux-beast skin.

After getting a full rest in, we continued exploring these ruins. Cole found some sort of lightning cage encasing a spear. He did some experimentation with his cane and the fake skin from the automaton, but it melted onto his hand. Not knowing what else to do, I tried bashing one of the pillars the lightning walls were arcing between. The "stop thinking and hit it" tactic turned out to be fruitful, and removing a pillar changed the arc pattern. Removing another left just one wall, and made retrieving the spear trivial (though I was careful to ensure I didn't trigger any sort of backlash). One identification ritual later and we are in possession of the Mirrorlight Piercer! Since she should be able to make the best use of it, I handed the spear to Ingrid.

All in all, a fairly eventful time, even while we rested! She is surely preparing us for some great deeds!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Hard Lesson

 The thing ahead was indeed big and wormy. We dispatched it fairly quickly (with some lightning magic from the captain and Cole summoning a tiny cannon!). It was followed shortly by an even bigger version of itself. But we were able to deal with that as well.

As we wandered about, exploring this underground ruin, with the metal construction I expected, I found myself a bit smug, not having suffered even a scratch in today's battles. My distracted pride proved to be my undoing, as a spider dropped down and felled me where I stood. Thankfully, Cole and the captain were able to send it to its final rest and revive me besides. I will try to take this lesson to heart.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

SHE Leads Me Forward!

 She spoke to me again!

Wait, I should begin earlier. In the wake of the battle and gaining a new companion for our quest, we went into Penreael proper on our own errands. Averyn, I understand went to the market. Cole and I found a library in which to conduct research. Though information on Gailatia (a name for pre-cataclysmic Zephria) is scarce, there are nuggets to find. Finding the right nuggets, and piecing them together properly will be the key. I'm sure of it. One such nugget I've yet to find a place for is metal. Metal, obviously, is not uncommon. I wear and carry probably sixty pounds or more myself. But one of the things I'm realizing in my studies is that it must have been far more plentiful in the time of wholeness. I find references to ships made of metal. Entire ships!

Anyway, one of the footnotes in the book I was reading made me think briefly of the earlier battle and the near certainty that more battles await us. I was suddenly struck with the thought that Cole and I were sequestered in a quiet library away from the rest of the crew and wouldn't even know if they were being accosted. With that in mind, I stopped on my way back to the ship to pick up some magical talismans that will allow us to communicate, as long as we are not too far from each other.

I awoke at dawn and began my morning prayers, as usual. Then my ears and mind were once again filled with Her beautiful, overwhelming Voice. I am not ashamed to say it brought tears to my eyes. "Seek answers at Gailatia's Ruin," she commanded. It took me some time to compose myself, but I believe I was presentable at breakfast when I relayed Her guidance.

Gailatia's Ruin, of course, is a park filled with ancient structures and exhibits to teach about the long-forgotten cultures of our world. But as we toured, it slowly dawned on me that one thing all these stone structures did not have was metal. Metal, which should have been far more abundant. If it was used to make ships, of all things, it had to have been used in the architecture! Perhaps these ruins are fakes -- mere replicas for unsuspecting tourists.Once I noticed that, I paid more attention to the gaps, the areas outside of the standard exhibit areas. Soon, Cole and I found a small metal cylinder jutting from a hillside. After fiddling with it for a few moments, we managed to push it in and it opened a hidden door! We gathered our compatriots, and leaving a watchful Sonica outside in a tree to watch our backs, headed into the dark. Luckily, some of my companions see far better in the dark than I, so the captain was able to call out a warning of a "big wormy thing" ahead. May She protect us.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A New Companion

 She works quickly!

As we approached the very first piece of land since leaving Unitopolis, there was a storm on the horizon. We moored the ship for safety, and while we waited out the storm, I noticed a woman battling some storm elementals. Far be it from me to let an obvious invitation from Her go unanswered, I leapt to help, followed quickly by Cole-Bay and Averyn. It was a tough battle, but we eventually persevered (though my contribution was little more than drawing attacks away from the others). The storm dispersed, we were introduced to Ingrid, who goes by the moniker the Blue Lion. She and the Captain seemed aware of each other, though they had not previously met. I feel that she will be a fearsome addition to the band that the One is building for Her decree.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

My Adventure Begins!

This morning was was more calm and orderly, but only when set against the pure chaos of yesterday's revelation from Her. I am still, as I was last night, terrified, excited, and a little proud to be chosen for this mission. Brother Luther and Sister Isolde will each also find passage to explore more of Zephria and learn what it is we must learn, but they are still young. I finished gathering my things together and donned the armor I haven't worn -- Goddess! -- since I was fitted for it!

When I was all packed and ready to leave, the Prelate prayed with me and then gave me some money from the temple's coffers to aid my journey. Thankfully, I used most of it to get a ring to keep me safe (or safer) on my journeys and an enchantment for my mace -- Goddess only knows what dangers may await in service. And she knew well! I had no sooner purchased my new mace than I had to bring it into use! As I stood in the market, fitting it to my belt, a FLOCK of monochrome hawks swarmed a man! Who would have thought, in the middle of Unitopolis? I ran to his aid, but arrived to late to save him. It left me and an Ipothia named Cole to dispatch the still-swarming birds. 

In a minute, we had eliminated the threat, but I've never heard of the hawks being aggressive like that. They didn't attack anyone else, so there must have been something about that man in particular. He wore the badge of Azure Co., the airship builders, but when the authorities examined the scene, they pulled a beautiful pearlescent crystal out of his backpack. Perhaps the birds sensed it somehow? It seems less far-fetched than some avian vendetta.

In any case, I noticed a ship's captain also in the market, and negotiated service aboard her vessel for passage to...wherever the winds take us, I suppose. Her name is Averyn and the ship is the Falcon's Blade, which sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't at the moment remember why. It turns out that Cole is also taking passage, and I briefly saw (if not met) her half-elven navigator.

All in all, an ominous and exciting start to my journey. Adventure before I'd even left the city! I dread (and thrill!) to think what She is preparing me for to start challenging me so early.