Tuesday, June 18, 2024

My Adventure Begins!

This morning was was more calm and orderly, but only when set against the pure chaos of yesterday's revelation from Her. I am still, as I was last night, terrified, excited, and a little proud to be chosen for this mission. Brother Luther and Sister Isolde will each also find passage to explore more of Zephria and learn what it is we must learn, but they are still young. I finished gathering my things together and donned the armor I haven't worn -- Goddess! -- since I was fitted for it!

When I was all packed and ready to leave, the Prelate prayed with me and then gave me some money from the temple's coffers to aid my journey. Thankfully, I used most of it to get a ring to keep me safe (or safer) on my journeys and an enchantment for my mace -- Goddess only knows what dangers may await in service. And she knew well! I had no sooner purchased my new mace than I had to bring it into use! As I stood in the market, fitting it to my belt, a FLOCK of monochrome hawks swarmed a man! Who would have thought, in the middle of Unitopolis? I ran to his aid, but arrived to late to save him. It left me and an Ipothia named Cole to dispatch the still-swarming birds. 

In a minute, we had eliminated the threat, but I've never heard of the hawks being aggressive like that. They didn't attack anyone else, so there must have been something about that man in particular. He wore the badge of Azure Co., the airship builders, but when the authorities examined the scene, they pulled a beautiful pearlescent crystal out of his backpack. Perhaps the birds sensed it somehow? It seems less far-fetched than some avian vendetta.

In any case, I noticed a ship's captain also in the market, and negotiated service aboard her vessel for passage to...wherever the winds take us, I suppose. Her name is Averyn and the ship is the Falcon's Blade, which sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't at the moment remember why. It turns out that Cole is also taking passage, and I briefly saw (if not met) her half-elven navigator.

All in all, an ominous and exciting start to my journey. Adventure before I'd even left the city! I dread (and thrill!) to think what She is preparing me for to start challenging me so early.

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