Thursday, July 18, 2024

SHE Leads Me Forward!

 She spoke to me again!

Wait, I should begin earlier. In the wake of the battle and gaining a new companion for our quest, we went into Penreael proper on our own errands. Averyn, I understand went to the market. Cole and I found a library in which to conduct research. Though information on Gailatia (a name for pre-cataclysmic Zephria) is scarce, there are nuggets to find. Finding the right nuggets, and piecing them together properly will be the key. I'm sure of it. One such nugget I've yet to find a place for is metal. Metal, obviously, is not uncommon. I wear and carry probably sixty pounds or more myself. But one of the things I'm realizing in my studies is that it must have been far more plentiful in the time of wholeness. I find references to ships made of metal. Entire ships!

Anyway, one of the footnotes in the book I was reading made me think briefly of the earlier battle and the near certainty that more battles await us. I was suddenly struck with the thought that Cole and I were sequestered in a quiet library away from the rest of the crew and wouldn't even know if they were being accosted. With that in mind, I stopped on my way back to the ship to pick up some magical talismans that will allow us to communicate, as long as we are not too far from each other.

I awoke at dawn and began my morning prayers, as usual. Then my ears and mind were once again filled with Her beautiful, overwhelming Voice. I am not ashamed to say it brought tears to my eyes. "Seek answers at Gailatia's Ruin," she commanded. It took me some time to compose myself, but I believe I was presentable at breakfast when I relayed Her guidance.

Gailatia's Ruin, of course, is a park filled with ancient structures and exhibits to teach about the long-forgotten cultures of our world. But as we toured, it slowly dawned on me that one thing all these stone structures did not have was metal. Metal, which should have been far more abundant. If it was used to make ships, of all things, it had to have been used in the architecture! Perhaps these ruins are fakes -- mere replicas for unsuspecting tourists.Once I noticed that, I paid more attention to the gaps, the areas outside of the standard exhibit areas. Soon, Cole and I found a small metal cylinder jutting from a hillside. After fiddling with it for a few moments, we managed to push it in and it opened a hidden door! We gathered our compatriots, and leaving a watchful Sonica outside in a tree to watch our backs, headed into the dark. Luckily, some of my companions see far better in the dark than I, so the captain was able to call out a warning of a "big wormy thing" ahead. May She protect us.

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