Sunday, February 10, 2008

Under New Managment.

I hope you are enjoying the gaming format that is being presented for our current adventure. Though I do enjoy tactics and combat I also gain a lot of enjoyment both as a player and a DM from puzzles and problems, wether they be in riddle format or in the form of an obsticle. If at any point in the future hints are needed/wanted please do not be afraid to ask. I will come up with hints before gamming sessions from this point on, and based on a die roll (int or wis based) will give you hints of varying degrees based on what you roll. This way I can still have my cake and eat it too. Also I will never present a riddle that I have not solved on my own. That is the best way I can judge difficulty.

As to DM style and for the sake of gameplay, I will never intentionally put the party in a position where the they should be split for any length of time or distance. Though I understand how the logic may make sense "real world", it does not work well for game flow as we saw in the last session. It leaves a portion of the gaming group doing nothing for long periods of time. Also, it makes it near impossible to predict the level of encounter to put the party against if I can not assume who will be available. Our first encounter this evening should have left three partymembers dead, two for certain and if all the remaining NPCs focus on the third the outlook seems grim. As a DM I don't like to make too many consessions to save characters but as I am still trying to find a reasonable difficulty level to present the party I will have to.

My view on DM as a whole:

My job is to keep the game flowing and fun for everyone. I usually do and will from this point on sacrifice "rules" for game flow durring gameplay. After game I am more than willing to talk about how things were done and even make reperations. Further, if I am to guide the group to any level I have to be free to control certain aspects of the game. i.e. "metta gaming" At times my logic will not always fit, however as Ebberon is as world of magic I can suspend logic at will and explain it away at a whim. If allowing you to accomplish something will "ruin" the game or take it off course to an extent that I can not put it back, I will CHEAT with a smile on my face. I view the handbooks really more as guidlines than rules and have no issue throwing out or changing a rule for the sake of gameflow. Lastly, at the point where kids are getting tired, players are getting cranky, or the world explodes we need to all understand that there will be times where we need to stop and wait for next session. I try to plan good stopping points but I also take pretty good notes while playing so we can stop at any point and easily get back on track. Though this has not been a major issue it was bordering on it at the end of last session.

I appologize for my haphazzard preperation this session. Next will be better. If you have taken the time to read my whole rant to its end let me know quietly next gaming session and I will award you an XP bonus.

DM out.


Anonymous said...

I thought you did fine. Gauging player strengths & weaknesses is a necessary evil, and provided there is an out or two available, death can be avoided. You did provide outs in both circumstances, and you even dumbed down the encounters when you realized they were really beefy (in response to my char. being really beefy).

I've adjusted my char to make your life easier and it will give him a cooler head in days to come. Unfortunately, he is none the wiser (literally). My apologies if I held gaming up with any sort of rules foolishness...I tried to limit myself to make-or-break situations, and still concede to your ruling if you didn't want to deal with it. Contrary to past experiences (i.e. many years ago when last we gamed together), you'll find I won't flip out too much over fudging & gameflow concessions. I just like to throw a few blows, get some treasure, and move on with my life.

I love the puzzles. I wish I was playing a wiser character so I could take a more active role in their solution, but I had a concept in mind and decided to run with it. At least I have a tactical minded character who can take charge on the battlefield or in preparation for a conflict...he's just not too perceptive nor attentive.

Again, loving the game. If you have to kill me to make a point, though, I won't cry about it. Parties shouldn't split up. People that listen to 8 Wis Goliaths that say parties should split up should know better. :-p Sure, I'm the original/main DM, I know the rules really well, and have a lot of gaming experience, but I'm gonna play my character, for better or worse. If that means ignoring my common sense (which it very often does with a low-Wis char), then I will...even if it means his eventual doom.

My char does have a good INT, so he does know what he's talking about most of the time and it makes sense logically (esp. to him), but it doesn't necessarily mean it's a *good* idea. Best thing to do is repeat his plan back to yourself and to one other party member...if it sounds reasonable after you do that, then it probably isn't a bad plan. If something seems amiss, it probably is.

Ok, I'm done ranting.

Anonymous said...

Death! Mayhem! Puzzles!

I suppose they're all fine for the regular folks, but what I'm thinking our group needs is more bacon.

Just a thought.

Gaming Operations Director said...

You mean more cowbell, right?

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Bacon and cowbell! Now that's chock full of win right there.

ps: for the record, I thought splitting up was a bad idea, but I'm just a scout, so who listens to me anyway? Also, I agree that if death must be the end result of a bad decision, then let's get on with it. I can roll a new character in no time!

Anonymous said...

Just go with your gut and speak your mind. Your char has a great Wis score, and I think a decent Int & Cha, right? Play it up. Wis is all about intuition, perception, & force of will. Besides, as I've said before, I know you could be a good leader. Make an effort at taking charge. My character's guidance inside combat or planning a combat-related action is sound, D's character is our social strongarm, but neither characters would be terribly great at "how do we proceed" planning, scouting, & surveillance. Play it up. If you want someone to share the burden with, get Isolde involved, too. Show us the way, Ranger! Hooah! Oh, wait, wrong type of Ranger.

UnfocusedTurtle said...

Please don't kill the cute necromancer! :(