Friday, December 21, 2007


Hey plebs,

Just wanted to let you all know about a correction I'm making based on an...oversight...that happened during the last session.

It would appear that Barbarians can actually *choose* to end their Rage before it ends normally. Now, I'm not sure why one would want to, unless, for instance, they were at 3 hit points (after Raging) and ended up close enough to an elemental land cart that, if they ended their rage, their buddies could toss them in and head for the hills, therefore not resulting in their untimely demise at the hands of a royally ticked off half-ogre. Of course, how often does *that* happen? *chuckles* Know what I'm saying?

In light of this oversight, reincarnated characters that suffered are being granted a reprieve, unless death was their ultimate goal, in which case, James, there is no compensation other than the satisfaction of having a new character. What does this mean to everyone else? I'm just letting you know that Eric has been refunded his 200 xp loss, and given another 150 xp to compensate, thereby putting him at 3000 xp...enough for 3rd level. Now, the whole party is (the equivalent of) 3rd level...except our absentee male Rogue. Cue Final Fantasy victory music... *dances*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Wrongful Death" suit settled. 38 gets the benefit of 3rd level from a Half-Orc he never even met. It just goes to show you how nature is so intertwined.